30 best easy Halloween costumes on a budget.

30+ Best (Easy) Halloween Costumes on a Budget

With just under 6 weeks left until Halloween, it’s time to start getting serious about costumes. Let’s be honest all you need for a successful Halloween is candy, at least one viewing of Hocus Pocus, and a good costume. But a good costume doesn’t have to mean an expensive or complicated costume. In this post …

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Ever had a heart attack after getting an email from Navient student loans with the subject line "Important Notice from Navient"? I have and it's reason #1 why I think you should avoid Navient's refinance offers

3 Reasons to Beware Navient Student Loan’s Refinance Offers

“Important Notice from Navient” – that email subject line, if you have Navient student loans, makes your heart skip a beat. And just before you open it, you’re filled with dread and stress. Turns out it’s just a marketing email saying your qualify for an “Exclusive Offer” from navirefi loans. And if you’re like me, …

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Find out the who, the what, the when, and the where along with the best deals and how to save the most on Prime Day.

Prime Day: All Your Questions Answered

I’m a big fan of Amazon’s Prime membership. It saves me a lot of stress and time, and provides ample entertainment via Prime Video.  The Amazon Prime membership provides tons of benefits year round, but one benefit only happens once a year, and it’s called Prime Day. In this post I’m going to break down …

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Dude, if you aren't saving money, you aren't going to ever be financially secure. Get your savings in order by doing it on autopilot.

Getting Started Guide: 6 Steps to Build Savings

I think you’ll agree that everyone needs savings, be it for an emergency fund, a travel fund or some other reason. Savings assures that when shit hits the fan, you’ll be okay. Most people think that when you’re in full on debt pay off mode, you aren’t able to grow your savings, but that isn’t …

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how to save money when traveling | traveling on a budget | affordable travel | budget travel tips

How to Save Money When Traveling

Traveling is super fun, but it can also be super expensive. And while there’s lots of ways to try and make sure you get the best deal on your airplane tickets or train or whatever, there’s also lots of ways you can save on the little things that can add up over the course of …

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Everyone needs a roof over their head, but when you're in debt can you justify a pricer roof? I think so, safety in particular is why I think a splurge on housing is a okay, even if you have a ton of debt, find out why I love where I live

Here is When It’s Okay to Splurge on Housing

When you’re paying off debt and trying to save money then chances are you try to keep your splurges to a minimum. An easy way to do this typically is by keeping the big expenses down, but I choose to splurge on housing.  Housing usually provides the biggest opportunity to save money. Ideally, housing shouldn’t …

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