Dude, if you aren't saving money, you aren't going to ever be financially secure. Get your savings in order by doing it on autopilot.

Getting Started Guide: 6 Steps to Build Savings

I think you’ll agree that everyone needs savings, be it for an emergency fund, a travel fund or some other reason. Savings assures that when shit hits the fan, you’ll be okay. Most people think that when you’re in full on debt pay off mode, you aren’t able to grow your savings, but that isn’t …

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how to save money when traveling | traveling on a budget | affordable travel | budget travel tips

How to Save Money When Traveling

Traveling is super fun, but it can also be super expensive. And while there’s lots of ways to try and make sure you get the best deal on your airplane tickets or train or whatever, there’s also lots of ways you can save on the little things that can add up over the course of …

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Everyone needs a roof over their head, but when you're in debt can you justify a pricer roof? I think so, safety in particular is why I think a splurge on housing is a okay, even if you have a ton of debt, find out why I love where I live

Here is When It’s Okay to Splurge on Housing

When you’re paying off debt and trying to save money then chances are you try to keep your splurges to a minimum. An easy way to do this typically is by keeping the big expenses down, but I choose to splurge on housing.  Housing usually provides the biggest opportunity to save money. Ideally, housing shouldn’t …

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How to save money decorating your home | DIY | home deco | decorating your home on a budget

How to Save Money Decorating Your Home

I’m home A LOT which means I need to enjoy the space. I work from home, and with services like Prime Now and three restaurants within walking distance of my apartment, I can go several days at a time without using my car. Don’t worry though, I promise I’m not a complete hermit, my dog …

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the one biggest money mistake you're making | budgeting requires being active | how to budget | personal finance tips | millennial money tips

The One Biggest Money Mistake You’re Making

Don’t let the title for this post fool you. I’ve made more than one money mistake. If I didn’t, I probably want to be writing this blog, talking about the hundreds of thousand dollars of student loan debt that I have to pay back. But by far the biggest money mistake I made and on …

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How NOT to Start a Money Making Blog

When I first started my first blog back in 2014 it was to help hold me accountable as I paid off my credit card debt. While I had learned that people do make money from blogging, it wasn’t my focus. I thought if later on in the future I could make a couple bucks, then …

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Why You NEED to Choose Who You Work With

As anyone with freelancing experience or a regular job with a bad boss can tell you, working for someone you don’t get along with or don’t see eye to eye with is the worst. It makes you less motivated to do the work. And because of undue stress, ultimately you resent the work a feeling …

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Save money and have fun with the REI Outdoor School | frugal living | money saving tips

How to Save Money and Have Fun with The REI Outdoor School

I realize it’s January and in many parts of the country (or the world) going outside right now doesn’t sound all that fun. However, the winter Olympics are coming up so I know there’s lots of outdoor activities that are enjoyable even in the winter.  Finding some fun inexpensive stuff to do outside that doesn’t …

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