Can You Really Make a Living Freelance Writing?

I became a full-time freelance writing on Jan. 1, 2017 after less than a year pursuing freelance writing. What I love about freelance writing is the control it offers you, not just in how much you make, but also on your schedule and what you want your life to look like. So the short answer to, “Can you really make a living freelance writing?” is yes you can more than make a living you can make a life.

july 2017 income report | earn more money | freelance writing | make money blogging

July 2017 Income Report

This is my July 2017 Income Report. I should note that this is all the income I earned in July, I may not have actually received payment for it in July. This also does not factor in expenses and taxes. Total July 2017 Income = $​2,440.22 Freelance Writing = $550.00 Best Course Personally, I found the course, …

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Do You Even Pitch, Bro?

You have a website; you are regularly publishing to your blog. You are networking on the regular and are active in Facebook groups and social media, but for some reason, your business isn’t growing. You are barely scraping by but feel like you are always working, so why isn’t anything happening?