Join the FREE $1k debt challenge to kick of the new year with a bang!

Start the New Year Off Right

2016 has been a ball buster of a year. It’s flown by and is quickly coming to an end. I want to help you kick off 2017 with a bang. What better way to kick start the year than with kicking some debt to the curb? I know that debt repayment is not always a …

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Great way to look at and break down how many hours your debt is worth

How Many Hours of Your Life is Your Debt Worth?

You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time. You probably hear this saying floating around the personal finance blogosphere. It is I would guess a major reason there are so many people pursuing FIRE (financial independence/retire early). Oh, and would that I could, I’d be pursuing that too, but first I …

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