
How to Make Money Blogging – The Definitive Guide

Whether you got into blogging to make money or you started your blog and just realized you can actually make money blogging, what monetization methods you see others using may not be right for you.

There are tons of ways to make money from your blog. But you need to keep in mind your audience and what they want. So long as

How to Actually Get Paid on a Past Due Invoice

So you landed the client, you got the contract, you read and understood and then signed the contract. You did everything you’re supposed to do and completed work on time. You finally, you sent the invoice to the client. But now, the due date for that invoice has come and past. Yet, your bank account …

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How NOT to Start a Money Making Blog

When I first started my first blog back in 2014 it was to help hold me accountable as I paid off my credit card debt. While I had learned that people do make money from blogging, it wasn’t my focus. I thought if later on in the future I could make a couple bucks, then …

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Why You NEED to Choose Who You Work With

As anyone with freelancing experience or a regular job with a bad boss can tell you, working for someone you don’t get along with or don’t see eye to eye with is the worst. It makes you less motivated to do the work. And because of undue stress, ultimately you resent the work a feeling …

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How One Ends Up Self-Employed

If you told me just two years ago that I would be self-employed I would’ve thought you were crazy. If you told me four years ago, I would’ve told you to stop smoking crack.  Four years ago my mindset was not in any place where I could imagine being self-employed. Still my journey to self-employment …

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